A Letter to My 13 Year Old Self…


You will never believe the life that God has laid out before you. It’s far more than you can ever dream or imagine.

I know as a 13 year old, you think you’re gonna marry your high school sweetheart, like your mom & dad did. You have big dreams of dancing on Broadway, and then moving back to your hometown, and teaching dance, maybe even owning a dance studio. Those dreams are beautiful dreams, but God has something else in mind.

Girl, you are actually going to give up dancing. I know you never would have imagined that. You are going to go to Texas A&M & have the time of your life. You’re going to make some of the best memories with some of the best people. Then you are going to graduate, leave your hometown for Houston, and you’re not coming back. Again, another shocker I know.

You’re going to teach 7th grade. You are going to make an impact for some students. Then you’re going to meet a boy by way of his cousin, who you teach with. You’re gonna fall hard and fast for him. You’re gonna get engaged just a few months after dating. Yep, I know, it’s crazy, but you say yes.

You are going to be a momma of two amazing kiddos. Life is going be beautiful & hard. Marriage is hard, Ash, so be ready to dig in & do the work, because it’s worth it. Marriage is going to reveal all the ugly in you, but it’s going to lead you to the cross. You’re going to lay your cross down daily. Mothering is going to exhaust you like nothing else has. In the midst of motherhood, God is going to put a dream on your heart of decorating houses. It will take a few years before you are able to dive in because the kids are so young, but just wait, God will tell you when it’s time to move. Hey, and when He does, it’s going to be fun, and hard, and you are going to spend the kid’s naptimes designing, and you’re going to design after they go to bed. You’re going to do a few houses, and then you’re going to have people on a waitlist that are willing to wait months for you to design their homes. I know, who would have ever thought, watching Trading Spaces with mom & designing your room would pay off?!? You’re going to have some amazing clients. You’re also going to have hard clients, but always lead with integrity & do the right thing. You are going to design beautiful spaces, and create homes for families to make memories in for a lifetime, and that is such a special gift. Never take it for granted.

Ashley, God is going to put all the people you need in front of you to help walk along side you. Just keep trusting Him. Your first hire is going to be super scary. She is leaving a full time well-known company to come work with you out of your garage apartment. She will encourage you & become a dear dear friend.  She will be with you for a while until she starts a family of her own, but don’t worry you’ll have an amazing team. God is going to keep putting clients in front of you. He is going to place builders in your life, and none of it is going to make any sense. He is going to put Godly women in front of you that will work for you, that cheer you on from the sidelines.

You’re going set a career in motion for your sister in law. She is going to be your photographer. She is good, BTW, really good. You’re going to be featured in magazines, blogs, and get the COVER of a well known magazine…THE COVER! Then Ash, you are going to be asked to have a project featured in a book—-A FRIGGING BOOK!!! I’m so proud of you, and the work you have done, so are all of your family and friends. You did the work, God gave you the dream, the gift, the capacity & the opportunity. Don’t forget to thank Him. He has orchestrated your life so beautifully, don’t miss it.

Then, He is going to ask you to lay it all down. To take your business & set it aside. It’s going to be hard becausec you’ve put in some years, but you see, there are two kids, lordy mercy, and one is almost a teenager. They need you. They need you to be home, to be present, to be able to drop whatever is in front of you and be with them, just like your mom did you for. And you’re going to struggle with wanting to work, but your best work is here in front of you. They only have six and eight first days of school left. You can’t miss them. These kids are so fun, and funny, and strong, and stubborn. But your time is going to be so sweet with them. Your focus needs to be your home, your marriage, your family, your heart. So finish strong, like the girl your momma raised you to be, and walk into this next phase with your arms open to whatever God has in store.

You’re almost 40. You’ve done some amazing things, and there is even more to come. Go hug your really cute husband and hold his hand. He really likes that. Also, you need to go practice your jump shot (yep basketball is in your future). Point those kids to Jesus & live your life proclaiming His goodness, cause girl, it’s evident.


Our Home Remodel: Pool Bathroom


Our Home Remodel: Family Room